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Knowing these, you can easily identify the quality of the ultra-pure water machine!

Release time:2021-04-29    Views:1618

       The application range of ultrapure water machines is definitely not only in the laboratory, but also in industry, chemistry, textile, printing and dyeing, chemical industry, automobile manufacturing, medicine and other industries, such as the manufacture of silicon crystals, semiconductor synthesis electronics industry, large It is used in industries such as large-scale circuit components, chip packaging and liquid crystal manufacturing. With the growing market of ultrapure water machines, more and more manufacturers, and different levels of quality, how to identify the quality of the equipment, let's share some methods.

First of all, we should identify from the quality. At present, there are many kinds of ultra-pure water machines on the market. Through carbon steel, glass fiber reinforced plastic, stainless steel and many other materials, we can judge whether the appearance quality of ultra-pure water machines is qualified.

The second is the filter element. A complete laboratory ultrapure water machine has three parts: pretreatment system, ultrafiltration system and purification system. Among them, the pretreatment system includes PP cotton, activated carbon, reverse osmosis membrane and other cores. The composition of consumables, in which PP cotton determines the precision and service life of filtration, generally the PP cotton used in better ultra-pure water machines is above 5 microns.

The activated carbon is determined by the iodine value, and the best product is activated carbon with an iodine value > 1000. This kind of better activated carbon is usually made of coconut shells.

The reverse osmosis membrane is the core consumable of the filter element. We can decide it according to the desalination rate, flux, and oxidation resistance of the membrane. In particular, the oxygen resistance needs to be carefully checked. This is a point that is very easy for everyone to ignore. Reverse osmosis membrane is one of the main factors for oxidation, surface rupture, perforation, and decrease of salt rejection rate.

The above are some methods to identify the quality of the ultra-pure water machine. Now the products in the market are mixed, so it is very important to learn how to identify the quality. Only by purchasing good equipment can it achieve the expected effect.

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