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There are skills in the purchase of laboratory ultrapure water devices, do not blindly

Release time:2021-05-20    Views:1411

       Ultrapure water used in laboratories does not consume much water, but most of the requirements for water quality are relatively high, and the grades of pure water used are different according to different applications. Therefore, it is necessary to use laboratory ultrapure water for preparation. The laboratory ultra-pure water device adopts pretreatment, reverse osmosis technology, ultra-purification treatment and post-ultraviolet sterilization treatment to remove almost all the conductive medium in the water, and also remove the non-dissociated colloidal substances, gases and organic substances in the water to Very low level of water treatment equipment. Its automatic water production, ready to use. When the storage tank is full of water, it will automatically stop, the equipment is in a standby state, and it will automatically run when the storage tank is short of water. In order to ensure the use effect of the laboratory ultrapure water device, it is very important to purchase suitable products. Let's talk about the selection points in detail.

Use of produced water: Different experimental projects have different requirements for water quality, and accordingly, a more suitable machine model can be roughly determined;

Source water quality: determine the category of the machine according to the type of source water. According to the source water hardness, suspended sediment content and other indicators to determine whether an additional pre-processor is required;

Water drawing method: whether to draw water continuously or intermittently during work. Are there any special requirements for water outlet pressure or storage buckets, hoses, etc.;

Peak water consumption: the duration of the peak water intake and water consumption requirements, as well as the quality of the produced water, etc., determine the specifications and configuration of the machine, etc.;

Daily water consumption: divided into pure water and ultra-pure water, so as to further determine the specifications of the required products;

Working environment: placement position, space size, distance of water inlet and outlet, power supply, etc.

The above are the main points for the purchase of laboratory ultrapure water equipment. Only when the equipment is used in a suitable place can it play its own greater role.

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