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How much do you know about the pretreatment process of the laboratory pure water system?

Release time:2021-07-09    Views:1219

       The laboratory pure water system is a kind of equipment commonly used in the laboratory to produce high-purity water quality (ultra-pure water). Ultra-pure water refers to the complete removal of the conductive medium in the water, and the Organic matter (including bacteria) is also removed to a very low degree of water. Raw water usually contains humus, starch, cellulose and various microorganisms such as fungi and algae, and these impurities will form colloidal particles with water. The pretreatment system of the laboratory pure water system performs preliminary purification through sand filtration and carbon filtration to remove these impurity particles. Let's talk about the main components of its preprocessing system.

1. Multi-media filter

The multi-media filter uses quartz sand as the filter material, which mainly removes suspended solids, colloids, mechanical impurities and some organic substances in the water to reduce the turbidity in the water.

2. Activated carbon filter

The activated carbon filter is filled with activated carbon, mainly to remove the residual chlorine and other substances in the raw water. Activated carbon can reduce the residual chlorine in the water to harmless chloride ions, so as to avoid the RO membrane being oxidized by residual chlorine and affecting the working performance.

3. Softener

The function of the softener is to reduce the hardness of the raw water. Its working principle is that the calcium ions and magnesium ions in the raw water are exchanged with the sodium ions in the sodium ion resin, thereby removing the calcium ions and magnesium ions. The double soft device is connected in series, and the regeneration is alternately, which can improve the work efficiency.

4. Security filter

Usually, a security filter is installed at the water inlet of the high-pressure pump to remove particles larger than 5 microns to ensure that the pretreated effluent meets the water inlet requirements of the reverse osmosis system and protect the reverse osmosis membrane from being damaged by impurities.

The pretreatment process is determined according to the quality of the raw water and the standard of the produced water. If the quality of the raw water is good, the softener may not be used. For industries that require high water hardness, in order to improve the work efficiency of the entire process, double softeners can be selected.

In general, the pretreatment process performance of the laboratory pure water system directly affects the stability and reliability of the subsequent reverse osmosis system, and also affects the working efficiency of the reverse osmosis system to produce water.

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