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To understand the ultra pure water device in the laboratory, start with its structural characteristics

Release time:2021-08-30    Views:1021

      The ultra pure water device in the laboratory uses unique EDI technology and advanced technology to ensure the effluent quality of ultra pure water equipment. It uses advanced technology to meet the water demand of the industry.

Laboratory ultrapure water device is usually composed of raw water pretreatment system, reverse osmosis purification system and ultrapurified post-treatment system.

The purpose of pretreatment is to make the raw water meet the influent requirements of reverse osmosis membrane separation module and ensure the stable operation of reverse osmosis purification system. The pretreatment system usually consists of polypropylene fiber (PP) filter and activated carbon (AC) filter. Softened resin filter shall also be installed for raw water with high hardness. PP filter element can remove raw water 5μ Mechanical particle impurities, rust and large colloids above M protect the follow-up filter, which is characterized by large pollution capacity and low price. AC activated carbon filter element can absorb residual chlorine, some organic matter and colloid in raw water to protect polyamide reverse osmosis composite membrane from residual chlorine oxidation. Softening resin can remove most calcium and magnesium ions from raw water, prevent scaling and blockage on the surface of subsequent RO membrane, and improve the recovery rate of water.

Reverse osmosis membrane system is an economic purification method to remove more than 98% ions, organics and 100% microorganisms in raw water at one time.

Reverse osmosis (RO) is a high-tech membrane separation technology driven by pressure difference. It has the characteristics of high primary separation, no phase change and simplicity. The "pore size" of reverse osmosis membrane has been as small as nanometer (1nm = 10-9m), and any "filtering" pores on the surface can not be seen under scanning electron microscope. Under the operating pressure higher than the osmotic pressure of raw water, water molecules can reverse osmosis through ro semi permeable membrane to produce pure water, while a large number of inorganic ions, organics, colloids, microorganisms and pyrogen in raw water are intercepted by RO membrane.

Generally, when the conductivity of raw water is less than 200 & mu; When s / cm, RO pure water conductivity ≤ 5μ S / cm, meeting the grade III water standard of the laboratory. For areas with high conductivity of raw water, in order to save the replacement cost of ion exchange resin in the subsequent mixed bed and improve the quality of pure water, customers can consider choosing the secondary reverse osmosis purification system. The conductivity of secondary RO pure water is about 1 ~ 5μ S / cm, related to raw water quality.

The ultra purification post-treatment system further removes the remaining trace ions, organics and other impurities in the reverse osmosis pure water through a variety of integrated technologies, so as to meet the requirements of water quality indicators for different purposes. The ultra purification post-treatment system will be introduced in the next section.

The above is the main part of the ultra pure water device in the laboratory. I hope it can help you better use the product.

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