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Don't forget these points when moving your ultrapure water machine!

Release time:2021-07-05    Views:1602

       Ultrapure water machines generally use advanced reverse osmosis technology to produce pure water. The working principle of the water purifier is to apply a certain pressure to the water, so that the water molecules and ionic mineral elements pass through the reverse osmosis membrane, and most of the inorganic salts (including heavy metals), organic substances, bacteria, viruses, etc. dissolved in the water are dissolved. Impermeable reverse osmosis membrane, so that the permeated pure water and the impermeable concentrated water are strictly separated. The pore size of the reverse osmosis membrane is only 0.0001 microns, while the diameter of viruses is generally 0.02-0.4 microns, and the diameter of ordinary bacteria is 0.4-1 microns.

The ultrapure water machine is based on reverse osmosis technology, adding ion exchange and terminal treatment technology. Some also have deep ion desalination, ultrafiltration and UV photooxidation equipment, and the quality of the water produced is better than the water quality requirements of the national standard GB/T6682-2008 laboratory water.

In the process of using the ultrapure water machine, if we need to move it, we need to pay attention to the following points:

1. Ensure the connection direction of the pipeline

In the process of moving the ultra-pure water machine, we need to ensure the connection direction of the ultra-pure water machine pipeline, ensure that the interface of the re-connected ultra-pure water machine does not have errors, and avoid faults caused by connecting the wrong interface.

2. Avoid vibration

In the process of transporting the ultra-pure water machine, we must minimize the occurrence of vibration, so as to avoid the vibration of the ultra-pure water machine during the movement, which may lead to failure.

3. Check for water leaks

After completing the transportation of the ultra-pure water machine, it is necessary to check whether the ultra-pure water machine has water leakage. After the installation is completed, try it out for 5-15 minutes to ensure that there is no water leakage.

The above are the main points that need to be paid attention to when moving the ultrapure water machine, I hope it can help everyone to use the equipment better.

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