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Sharing of construction points of commonly used pipes in laboratory pure water systems

Release time:2021-11-29    Views:1979

      The laboratory pure water system is an enhanced front three-stage pretreatment system, which can effectively remove impurities and particulate matter; one machine can be used for two purposes, and RO pure water and UP ultrapure water can be taken separately; the system adopts two-stage reverse osmosis design, completely It is suitable for use in areas with high salt content and high hardness.

Special construction technology of CPVC (chlorinated polyvinyl chloride) and PVDF (polyvinylidene fluoride) pipes in laboratory pure water system.

CPVC and PVDF pipes can meet the requirements of ultrapure water systems in terms of metal ions and organic carbon precipitation, no fine particles, and no viable bacteria reproduction. The processing and packaging of pipes and accessories are all carried out in an ultra-clean environment, so the construction of these two types of pipes also has certain particularities. CPVC pipe bonding should use glue for plastic pipes made in Japan No. 85. Pipe cutting should use electric band saw pipe cutting saw or rotary pipe cutter, and try to avoid hand saw (because it is difficult to handle burrs at the end of pipe with hand saw). The burrs of the incision must be removed, and the pipe end should be chamfered by 2 to 3 mm to prevent the glue from being scraped into the socket during bonding, resulting in the leakage of the bonding part of the pipe due to improper artificial construction to reduce the bonding surface. The adhesive surface of pipe fittings and pipes must be evenly coated. Before gluing, use a white cloth to remove external dust on the inner surface of the pipe fittings and the outside of the pipe, and then use a clean cloth dipped in acetone to degrease and clean. In addition, a more important point is the clean construction of CPVC pipes, which is also a big difference between it and other ordinary PVC pipes. Strictly speaking, the bonding construction of CPVC pipes should be carried out in a clean room, and then flanges are used to connect on site. However, due to various special conditions on the construction site, the pipelines are often installed on site by cutting and bonding. However, it should be noted that during construction on site, the construction area should be relatively clean (there should be no large dust). It is forbidden to carry out the bonding operation on the ground, and the bonding operation should be carried out on the processing platform. Be sure to wear special clean disposable gloves during construction, and it is forbidden to touch the inner wall of the pipe with bare hands during the construction process (because the grease on the hand sticks to the inner wall of the pipe, it is difficult to wash it off). Use a wire tensioner when the pipe is inserted, and scribe the line to confirm that the insertion depth is sufficient. The sealing material between flanges shall be PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene). The stacking place needs to be covered with color strips or plastic films to protect the pipes.

The above are the construction points of the pipes commonly used in the laboratory pure water system, and I hope to help you make better use of this product.

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