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Source water softening component

【Product overview】Effective removal of impurities such as sediment suspensions, algae, organic materials, remove heavy metals, taking iron manganese, except for odor, except for pesticide residues, except for low water hardness, depletion of chlorine disinfectants, etc. Suitable for water quality purification and softening treatment of water, river water, tap water, reservoir water, mountain spring water, river water and other groundwater and ground water.

  • Product model:Source water softening component
  • Update time:2022/4/19 15:42:35
  • Visits:2905
  • Nature of manufacturer:EPED
Product introduction

Source water softening component

Effective removal of impurities such as sediment suspensions, algae, organic materials, remove heavy metals, taking iron manganese, except for odor, except for pesticide residues, except for low water hardness, depletion of chlorine disinfectants, etc. Suitable for water quality purification and softening treatment of water, river water, tap water, reservoir water, mountain spring water, river water and other groundwater and ground water.






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Delivery cationic resin, reduce water hardness



Delivery cationic resin, reduce water hardness


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The main purpose

Effective removal of impurities such as sediment suspensions, algae, organic materials, remove heavy metals, taking iron manganese, except for odor, except for pesticide residues, except for low water hardness, depletion of chlorine disinfectants, etc. Suitable for water quality purification and softening treatment of water, river water, tap water, reservoir water, mountain spring water, river water and other groundwater and ground water.

Direct attack on site


Product highlights

Effective removal of impurities such as sediment suspensions, algae, organic materials, remove heavy metals, taking iron manganese, except for the different color bacteria, etc., in addition to the residue of pesticides, remove scale, except for low water quality,

The odor produced by the residual chlorine disinfectant is suitable for water quality purification and softening treatment of water, river water, tap water, reservoir water, mountain spring water, river water and other groundwater and ground water.

Technical parameter

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