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Water division system

【Product overview】Central water supply, custom design according to the actual demand and disinfection requirements of the customer on site, based on GMP, ISPE Engineering Guide and FDA specification for design concept, frame structure, saving space, plug-and-play, installation, convenient installation, pre-installation With the operation confirmation, all pipes are 316L stainless steel, no dead angle, and the surface roughness (RA) of all product contacts is less than 0.6 μm. There is no intermediate storage tank in the loop to prevent bacteria to breed, in line with FDA requirements.

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  • Update time:2022/4/19 14:14:03
  • Visits:689
  • Nature of manufacturer:EPED
Product introduction

According to the actual demand and demand for the customer's live on site, custom design, with GMP, ISPE Engineering Guide and FDA specification, the foundation,

Frame structure, saving space, plug-and-play, easy installation, pre-installation and operation confirmation in manufacturing plants

All pipes are 316L stainless steel, no dead angles, sanitary chuck connection methods all product contact surfaces, roughness (RA) less than 0.6 μm,

There is no intermediate storage tank in the loop to avoid bacteria to breed, compliant with the FDA requirements.

Direct attack on site
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