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Do you know the two common supply modes of laboratory pure water system?

Release time:2021-04-12    Views:1581

      Through continuous innovation and development of laboratory pure water system, its supply mode has changed from the traditional "single single machine" mode to the "multiple single machine" mode. The application range of laboratory pure water system is between 200 liters and 8000 liters per day. The total consumption of pure water in most laboratories or laboratory buildings is between 500 and 2,000 liters, and only a few laboratories or laboratory buildings consume more than 2,000 liters of water per day. In these few laboratories or laboratory buildings, due to the large number of water-intensive washing equipment or fully automatic testing equipment and possible special applications (such as the electronics and materials industry), the daily use of more than 2000 liters or even more of pure water. These situations require careful definition of water consumption and special design.

The supply mode of laboratory pure water system is divided into two categories: central pure water supply mode and decentralized pure water supply mode.

(1) Central pure water supply mode:

The central pure water supply mode refers to setting up a pure water production device, and the laboratory water is transported to each laboratory water point through the water supply pipeline, whether it is a single laboratory or a laboratory building, to achieve direct access to experiments from the pure tap of the laboratory water point. Room pure water or ultrapure water.

(1) Advantages:

1. Low operating cost and centralized management.

2. Collective use, there is no possibility that the machine will be idle.

3. The output is large, the water is networked, and the same laboratory takes water from multiple points.

(2) Disadvantages:

The system must ensure long-term safe operation, otherwise there is a risk of water interruption.

(2) Dispersed pure water supply mode:

The dispersed pure water supply mode refers to the preparation of finished water or the installation of pure water machines at each water point in the laboratory.

(1) Advantages:

The instrument has a separate right to use, and the utilization rate is high.

(2) Disadvantages:

1. High operating costs, decentralized management, and relatively high consumption costs.

2. Desktop fixed-point desktop installation, fixed-point water intake, small output, small flow, and low work efficiency.

3. If each experimental group is purchased separately, the total investment of the owner in this type of product is very high, which may lead to an increase in the vacancy rate due to the different work conditions of each experimental group, which is not conducive to maximizing the investment efficiency.

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