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This is the essence of the principle of ultrapure water machine

Release time:2021-01-14    Views:1997

       The ultra-pure water machine adopts pretreatment, reverse osmosis technology, ultra-purification treatment and post-treatment methods to almost completely remove the conductive medium in the water, and remove the non-dissociated colloidal substances, gases and organic substances in the water to a very low level. water treatment equipment. The resistivity of ultrapure water produced by it should generally be greater than 10 megohms, and water above 10 megohms is called ultrapure water. The better ultrapure water effluent can reach 18.25 megohms.

The ultrapure water machine also adopts a combination of advanced reverse osmosis technology and ion exchange technology. The booster pump, solenoid valve, high capacity ion exchange resin, R.0 reverse osmosis membrane, filter element, pipeline connection, Control originals, UV lamps, etc. are all imported products. Since the ultrapure water machine is controlled by a microcomputer single-board computer program, the water quality detection is automatically displayed, thereby obtaining high-quality output water, and its output water resistivity can generally reach 18MQ/cm. Compared with similar foreign products, the price of the ultra-pure water machine and the cost of replacing accessories are only about one-third of those in foreign countries. At the same time, it also has the advantages of simple operation and convenient installation.

The ion exchange of the ultrapure water machine is a special solid adsorption process, which is carried out by the electrolyte solution of the ion exchanger. The general ion exchanger is a solid particulate material insoluble in water, namely ion exchange resin. It can absorb a certain cation or anion from the electrolyte solution, and exchange another ion with the same charge symbol contained in it in an equal amount and release it into the solution, which is the so-called ion exchange. According to the types of ions exchanged, ion exchangers can be divided into two categories: cation exchangers and anion exchangers.

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